What are the addresses for the Minecraft Servers?
Vanilla: mc.bigbeanburrito.com
Modded: modded.bigbeanburrito.com
Cobblemon: cobblemon.bigbeanburrito.com
Bedrock: br.bigbeanburrito.com
Where can I find the modpacks for the modded servers?
The modpack for the modded server can be downloaded here. This is a Curseforge custom profile that you can import. I will try to keep the link updated, but you may need you update mods to keep up with the latest server build.
Cobblemon instance can be downloaded here. This is for the Modrinth Launcher.
Can you add x plugin/mod to the server?
That will depend on the plugin/mod. I want to keep the servers pretty lightweight and vanilla, except for the modded one, of course. Please fill out a request form.
Forms? Where can I find those?
To prevent spam, you will need to create an account using the buttons in the top right corner. After signing into your account, you should see a form tab on the top of the page.
Is there a way I can transfer my saves when using the emulator?
Yes! Fill out the emulator form with a username and password, this will be what you use to log into the emulator file browser.
– On the top left of the page, click the folder with a cog, this will take you to the file browser.
– Using your credentials, log into the file browser.
– On the top right of the screen, you will see a few options.
– “Pull from Server” will pull whatever data you pushed to the server.
– “Push to Server” will push your local save data to the server. This includes saves, screenshots, and settings.
– Pulling from the server will overwrite your local data, so be sure to keep track what your pushing and pulling.
– I am unable to recover any lost data if lost in this manner.
Can you run x server/service for me?
I would be more than happy to, please fill out a request form and we can work out what you need.